Insights, Page 5
The Copeland eNewsletter: The Spring Edition
May 2, 2019
We hope this note finds you well. Spring is often referred to as the time of year for new beginnings. As such, we hope that this spring has offered a refreshing start… Read more
Why Should I Use a Password Manager?
March 11, 2019
We repeatedly stress the importance of strong passwords that are unique to every website, but with dozens (or hundreds) of complex passwords it becomes challenging to remember them. This is where a… Read more
Working from Home Due to Inclement Weather
February 15, 2019
With the blustery cold, black ice, and inches (or realistically, feet) of snow, some businesses have to close their doors and cease productivity when employees cannot get to the office. But with… Read more
The Copeland Newsletter: Winter 2019 Edition
January 22, 2019
The Copeland Quarterly Newsletter January 2019 We hope 2019 has gotten off to a productive start for you and your team. We’ve been busy onboarding our new hires, Josh and Dave, developing… Read more
Bandwidth Bandits: How to be the Sheriff of your Business and Catch the Culprits
October 31, 2018
Is there anything more anger-inducing than working on a project and seeing with the spinning wheel of death? Try as you might, you simply cannot move forward because the darn computer is… Read more
Copeland eNewsletter: Autumn Edition
October 23, 2018
As the air gets crisper every day and flu season is on the horizon, we should be conscious of another kind of virus: one for our computers. In this Fall edition of… Read more
The World is Cyber Scary: Statistics about Cyber Security and Disaster Recovery
October 1, 2018
There are more than 3 billion people in the world who are connected to the internet. Do you believe that 100% of those 3 billion are honest and trustworthy? If even 1%… Read more
Don’t Let Disaster Get You Down: Disaster Recovery Planning Guide
September 1, 2018
APT Disaster Recovery Every company has its own set of needs and priorities. Combine that with the fact that a disaster can range from one as simple as a blip in power… Read more
Backup and Disaster Recovery Plans
August 6, 2018
In this age of virtualization, backup and disaster recovery (DR) plans have never been more critical to the business continuity of small-, medium-, and enterprise-sized businesses. Backup safely provides a copy of… Read more